Sunday, September 6, 2009

One Year Later...

It's interesting how the mind tricks you. Every time I visit my parents I still expect to be greeted by a fuzzy creature. I still instinctively close the door behind me when I go into the basement (so he wouldn't trip down the stairs). Sometimes I hear little noises that remind me of him... One year ago from this very moment we lost our family pet, JJ. He was my little brother, my best friend... and a very big part of me.

The cool, stiff September air is a constant reminder of the weeks leading up to that day. For at least a month I went home to Franklin every weekend just to be with him, night and day. It was definitely the hardest thing I ever went through.

I can't believe it's already been a year. Time flies.


Unknown said...

...Time does fly.

Evan Sussman said...

Its tough for us humans. Dogs are in our lives for a relatively short period of time, but for them, we're the biggest part of their world. Maybe that's why they try to make every second with us count. In return for unwavering loyalty and companionship, our job is to make sure that they have the best life possible. Your family, and especially you Dan, certainly accomplished that. Of course its sad that he's no longer with us, but its awesome that his life was spent with a great family - and brother :)